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Session 1
Welcome to Session 1 (The Essentials of Doula Pride): For each session you will be asked to engage in the content and complete an evaluation. In each session we will focus on specific content areas that inspire the Doula heart based on our reading of the core text - Arnoldy, F. L. (2018). Cultivating the Doula heart: essentials of compassionate care. Contemplative Doula, LLC
On this page you will find a centering quote, the outline, recording of our meeting (posted after we meet), evaluation survey, an optional and encouraged writing prompt, and a resource.
Centering Quote
“Changing the way LGBTQ individuals
with chronic or life-limiting illnesses are cared for requires a paradigm shift in the way we (collectively) approach the conversation about what it means to be inclusive in our compassion. You don’t need to change your religious or moral beliefs to provide good care to LGBTQ+ individuals.”
by: Kimberly D. Acquaviva, LGBTQ-Inclusive Hospice and Palliative Care: A Practical Guide to Transforming Professional Practice
Objectives: Introductions and invitation to the Essentials of the Doula Heart
Readings: Section 1 - Essentials p. 3-17.
Background, Overview of Program Q & A
Models of nursing and doula informed care for LGBTQ+ community carers
Essentials of the Doula Heart with Dina
Session Evaluation
Personal Writing Prompt:
How do you remain calm in the presence of others distress? What are 17 ways you keep your heart open? (inspired prompt by poet and activist Andrea Gibson).
Reading for Next Session on June 6th: Cultivating the Doula Heart -Section 2: "A Doula's Place in Sacred Space" p. 19-55
Click on the buttons
See Monday Weekly email for Passcode.
Honoring Every Journey - NEDA Presentation
Please complete after each Session. Thank you
Session 2 Reading: Section 2 - "Before during and after loss: A doula's place in sacred space". In Cultivating the Doula Heart pp. 19-55
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